Stop Think Do: Social Skills Training for Primary Years of Schooling Ages: 8-12 (Stop Think Do)STOP THINK DO is a social skills programme for use in schools with children who have emotional - social - behavioural difficulties that affect their ability to make friends. It is designed as a classroom curriculum for children to prevent such difficulties arising. Originally designed for Australian schools, it is now internationally recognised as an invaluable social skills programme and is being used by many schools and CPD groups around the world. STOP THINK DO develops a positive social culture in classrooms, particularly because teachers are modelling the same skills they teach students. The academic progress of children is also facilitated by a co-operative classroom. STOP THINK DO develops emotional and social intelligence in children as they learn how to understand and control their feelings at STOP, how to think about their options and likely consequences at THINK, how to behave appropriately at DO, and how to be motivated to use these skills in all social situations in their lives.This revised and extended edition modernises this best-selling programme, incorporating current research trends, visual resources, simplified lesson formats and practical suggestions for applying the programme in regular classrooms, in small groups, for special needs students, for peer mediators, or as a whole school. Parental involvement is also encouraged. NB: Three free colourful posters that trace the Stop Think Do problem solving sequence using a traffic light motif are included with this manual.STOP THINK DO aims to: Prevent adverse consequences resulting from poor social skills and peer friendships Improve the social skills and peer friendships of children who already have problems Develop cooperative classrooms and school Develop emotional intelligence, self-esteem and confidence through increased awareness, skills training and goal achievement Empower students by teaching self-control, decision making and positive actions Develop group skills including active participation, cooperation, organisation and leadership Improve relationships through the use of a common language, problem-solving process, shared goals and regular feedback About the Authors: Lindy Petersen is a clinical psychologist with thirty years' experience working with children, adolescents, parents and teachers in clinical and school settings. She is based in Adelaide, South Australia. Allyson Adderley has considerable experience as a classroom teacher of young children through to adolescents and as an educational consultant involved in the implementation of STOP THINK DO in Australian schools.ISBN: 9780864315441 Authors: Lindy Petersen with Allyson Adderley Age Suitability: 8 - 12 Click HERE to see excerpt of this Resource. The full list of STOP THINK DO resources is as follows: Stop Think Do: Social Skills Training Manual for Early Years of Schooling (4 - 8 Years) Stop Think Do: Social Skills Training Manual for Primary Years of Schooling (8 - 12 Years) Stop Think Do: Social Skills Training Manual: Supplement for Middle Years of Schooling (12 - 15 Years) STOP and THINK Learning STOP and THINK Friendship DVD Package (including Workbook) STOP THINK DO Posters (Set of 3) Social Savvy (Parents' book)Dimensions: 29.72 x 26.67 x 2.54 centimetres (0.82 kg)STOP THINK DOは、友達を作る能力に影響を及ぼす、情緒的、社会的、行動的な困難を有する子供がいる学校で使用するための社会的スキルプログラムです。



STOP THINKは教室で積極的な社会文化を発展させています。



STOP THINKは子供の感情や社会的知性を発達させ、STOPでの自分の気持ちを理解し、制御する方法、THINKでのオプションや考えられる結果について考える方法、DOで適切に行動する方法、そしてこれらを使用する動機づけをする方法現代の研究動向、視覚資源、簡素化されたレッスン形式、通常の教室、小規模なグループ、特別なニーズに合わせてプログラムを適用するための実践的な提案を取り入れた、このベストセラープログラムを近代化したものです。



NB:トラフィックライトモチーフを使用してThink Think Doを解決する手順を追跡する3つのカラフルなポスターがこのマニュアルに含まれています.STOP THINK DOの目的は次のとおりです。

すでに問題を抱えている子どもたちの協力的な教室と学校の開発意識向上、スキル訓練、目標達成による感情的知性、自尊心と自信を高める自制、意思決定、積極的な行動を教えることによって学生を活性化する積極的な参加、協力、組織とリーダーシップ共通の言語、問題解決プロセス、共通の目標と定期的なフィードバックの使用を通じて関係を改善する著者についてLindy Petersenは臨床的に子供、青少年、両親、教師と30年の経験を持つ臨床心理学者です学校の設定。


Allyson Adderleyは、青少年を通じた幼児の教室の教師として、オーストラリアの学校でSTOP THINK DOの実施に携わる教育コンサルタントとしてかなりの経験を持っています。

ISBN:9780864315441著者:Lindy Petersen、Allyson Adderley年齢適性:8 - 12ここをクリックこのリソースの抜粋を参照してください。

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